Do whatever you wanna do
They said.
Actually it’s hard when people say “please do whatever you want to do”
But in the reality i hit the grounds i really confused what should i do? what i want? where i should be? is going to be good if i follow my inner voice or my feelings?
But i realized that i find something that makes me feel happy, at least if im in the worst situation or in a terrible day
We do anything we want it’s just for achieve happiness in some way, i know it’s sounds hypocritsm if i talk about this while im not doing what i want but at least
I have sweet escape to share all my sadness.
It’s okay if you in a place that it’s not you at all but you have 999reason to be happy and 999reason to still alive, it’s okay if you still searching yourself constantly but remember you have to do whatever you wanna do even in a worst place, in a worst circle and in a worst circumstance
Cause there’s only purpose of life: and that is to be happy with do anything you want.